Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Mummy has new hair

Me and my girls, originally uploaded by Hedgen.

I went to get my hair cut, while Daddy stayed at home with the girls. When I got home Cara had been napping, so when she woke up I went in to her. She sat up in bed and said, "Mummy" with a smile and then, "...oOoooo! Mummy! New hair!" It was sooo cute. I didn't even know that she knew the word 'new'. She is so clever, and complimentary. I asked her is she liked Mummy's hair and she said yes. Then she said, "Cara's hair not long", and I told her that it will grow.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Cara & Daddy

Cara & Daddy-6, originally uploaded by Hedgen.

Just love this photo. Isn't it wonderful the relationship between a little girl and her Daddy.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Cara Sleeping

Cara Sleeping, originally uploaded by Hedgen.

A rare occurrence - Cara falls asleep not in her bed. This only really happens when she is ill.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Early Morning Laughter

It's been a while now, that my waking up in the morning has been due to Cara crying out for Mummy.  She doesn't sound too happy shouting out for me, but always smiles as soon as I walk in. She used to play as soon as she woke up, but now she is always still sitting in bed.. I'm not sure why that is, or when it started.. but this morning, I was actually already awake - had just finished feeding Felicity and was watching Alias in bed as I got her back off to sleep. Then I heard Cara laughing lots, calling 'Mummy' and then laughing some more.  I put Felicity to bed, and went to see what Cara was up to.  I walked in, and the first thing she said was, "I'm funny", when I asked her why she pointed to Teddy.  She had put her blanket over Teddy's head like a shawl and thought it was hilarious.  It was really funny to see her reaction.  What a great little girl!