Monday, January 05, 2009

Potty peepee...

I've been asking Cara for a while now if she wants to use the potty, but she always says no. I haven't made a big effort with it yet, as I kinda want to get everything sorted with Felicity now first. However, tonight I asked if she wanted to sit on the potty after brushing her teeth, and she said, yes.

She sat on the potty and I thought that would just be it. I asked if she wanted to do a wee wee, and made some noises like my Mum used to when she wanted me to go to the loo. A couple of seconds later I could hear something... she'd done her first wee in the potty. Woohoo!

We called for Daddy, so that he could see what a big girl Cara had been, and we had some extra playing time before bed. It was great. Hopefully the start of no nappies for Cara.

Also, starting on the 1st of January, we got rid of all the dummies. Cara has always slept with a dummy, and again I had kind of been holding off getting rid of it, first because we were moving, then going in a real bed, then I just kind of got used to it, and I liked how great she was at going to bed and sleeping so long, I didn't want to disturb it. Daddy decided it was time to say goodbye to the dummies, and Cara has been great. The first night there were a few tears, and since then only an ask occasionally, but not even very persistently.

Well done Cara - you are such a good girl. We love you sooooo much!

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