Sunday, February 10, 2008

Cara Walks Outside!

Cara Walks Outside!, originally uploaded by Munzerr.

We had a great day at the zoo all together, and Cara did so much walking! She still wanted to be crawling, but if you hold her hand she'll walk and walk and walk.

She can walk on her own, but only really does that if she's really excited to get somewhere or has something in her hands already.

She is such a clever girl, it was so much fun to be with her. She absolutely loved standing right by the glass and seeing the fish or seal, or penguins swim by.

It was such a lovely sunny day too - I hope we get more of those.


Emily said...

well done Cara if you hold Martha's hand she kind of puts her foot forward a bit.

funkyhan said...

Eve is the same - she will only walk if distracted or has something in her hand, or really wants to get somewhere... or if we aren't looking i imagine. Sounds like she is doing wonderfully!