Sunday, June 17, 2007

Happy First Father's Day

Happy First Father's Day, originally uploaded by Munzerr.

It was Daddy's first Father's Day this year. Cara got to be there for it, any brothers and sisters don't get to be there for the first - so it was very special.

Mummy helped Cara to make Daddy breakfast in bed, to get a present - a Wii stering wheel and to make a card. This is the poem on the card:

I'm your little baby girl,
Your little schnuckems pie.

I wanna say 'I love you!'
I really, try and try.

Hmm! I'm just too little,
But one day I wont be!

Then I'll say I love you,
and you'll say you love ME!

1 comment:

Emily said...

i was wondering what it was that you were holding...a steering wheel, how fun.